Gay Twitter is up in arms after rampant catfishing by a dude named Parks Denton

In yet another scandalous tale of someone pretending to be someone else on the internet, a Twitter user going by the name of Parks Denton has been outed as a catfisher.

Denton, whose photos showed him as a blue-eyed redhead, appears to have exchanged flirtatious direct messages with plenty of people from Gay Twitter, a loose network of gay users on the platform.

But it seems that anytime someone set up an IRL date with Denton, he ghosted. One user named Alex told New York magazine’s Select Allthat Denton stood him up two nights in a row.

“The whole thing was so weird for me because our messages weren’t sexual in any shape or form; it was just a friendly drink,” Alex told Select All. He even speculated on Twitter that he had been catfished.

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As some of Gay Twitter was quick point out, the situation should have been obvious from the start. First of all, what kind of name is Parks Denton?

Second of all, at some point, Denton switched fake identities.

Alex, the same guy who got stood up, noticed that Denton had changed his profile picture at sometime after they first DM’d.

“My recollection is that he was dark-haired; he had an ear piercing, chest hair … to me, he looked half-Asian … he looked different. I thought he was handsome,” Alex told Select All.  “At some point the week we were going to have a drink, his photo changed to the one you can see now with the blue eyes and the hat.”

Hindsight is 20/20, of course.

But it was all over once the friends of the real person whose photos were being used as Parks Denton recognized him on the fake account and alerted him. One of those friends, Sarah, tweeted several now-deleted photos of her and the real person whose photos were used.

“I do know the real person in the photos. He was my roommate when I lived in Brooklyn … and he is not Parks Denton,” Dara, another one of his friends, told Select All.

Since then, all of the Parks Denton accounts have been removed. But that hasn’t stopped Gay Twitter from reveling in the aftermath.  

For some, the only thing worse than actually being catfished was realizing they weren’t worthy of being catfished.

For others, it’s just some good Gay Twitter drama.

Meanwhile, whoever is running the social media for the Parks Department in Denton, Texas, is probably very overwhelmed today.

H/T Select All


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